Chapter 1: The Foundation of Joy

One of the most important responsibilities of a teacher is to set an atmosphere of joy in the classroom, the sense “it is good to be me here with you!” The sense of joy is non-verbal-—it is in the air, breathed in by the children.  A joyful atmosphere allows children to feel safe and free of anxiety so their brains are freed to learn and explore. Visitors to Ambleside Schools often remark, “There is peace here. The students’ and teachers’ expressions are genuine, full of delight and full of joy.”

Chapter 2: How Atmosphere Sets Affections

Our affections, desires, and motivations are set by our community. The influence of Atmosphere is breathed in and sets the affections, which are “caught, not taught.” The atmosphere of the classroom plays a subtle yet potent role in the heart and mind of a child. It communicates to the child what is valuable and desirable. Upon visiting your child’s classroom, ask, What is communicated through this atmosphere? Is the atmosphere desirable and life-giving? What affections are fostered by this atmosphere?

Chapter 3: Cultivating an Atmosphere for Learning

When parents select a school, they are choosing a culture that will have a profound impact on shaping the hearts and minds of their children. Affections and the understanding of how to handle life are “caught” from the community. The atmosphere fostered at Ambleside supports desires for working well, giving attention, being kind, and reading worthy books for delight. When you step into a classroom where everyone is directing their attention to the learning, it is the easiest thing to do likewise.